
One Grant Park
Residential High-Rise | Chicago, IL
Under Construction
LEED AP of Record; Full LEED documentation; coordinated with design team to create green roof system; performed site studies; supervised roofing material decisions
Luxury Residential Tower | Chicago, IL
STATUS // Under Construction
DUTIES // LEED AP of Record; Full LEED documentation; performed water savings calculations, rainwater collection calculations; extensive mediation between architect/contractor/owner
Residential Mid-Rise | Chicago, IL
STATUS // Complete
DUTIES // LEED AP of Record; Full LEED documentation & consultation; site studies; personal liaison to owner; mediated design decisions with USGBC; developed sustainable design specifications for project; directly supervised design team's sustainable decisions; assisted with development of construction documents
Residential Mid-Rise | Chicago, IL
STATUS // Complete
DUTIES // LEED AP of Record; Full LEED documentation & consultation; organized & led monthly sustainable design meetings
Residential Mid-Rise | Chicago, IL
STATUS // Completed
DUTIES // LEED AP of Record; Full LEED documentation & consultation; mediation between design team & USGBC; provided counsel/documentation to reverse LEED review decisions; aided in design of new natural & mechanical ventilation strategies that allowed project to achieve LEED requirements
Luxury Residential Mid-Rise | Chicago, IL
STATUS // Under Construction
DUTIES // LEED AP of Record; Full LEED documentation & consultation; personal liaison to owner; organized & led monthly sustainable design meetings
Residential High-Rise | Chicago, IL
STATUS // Under Construction
DUTIES // Sustainability consultant; Full LEED documentation
Residential High-Rise | Chicago, IL
STATUS // Complete
DUTIES // Sustainability consultant; Assisted with LEED documentation; addressed & provided documentation for review comments; composed Tenant Design & Construction Guidelines document, which was in turn used as template document for all future projects
Residential High-Rise | Chicago, IL
STATUS // Complete
DUTIES // Architectural Intern; Assisted LEED documentation; developed site study drawings; performed water savings calculations; assisted design team in development of LEED-specific ESC/IAQ plans & drawings

Saville Residence
Residential Renovation | Chicago, IL
STATUS // Design Development
DUTIES // Architectural Intern; Developed design drawings; assisted in production of construction set; prepared IFC in response to interior architect's design drafts
Commercial Interiors
Interior Office Renovation | Chicago, IL
STATUS // Complete
DUTIES // LEED AP of Record; Sustainability consultant; Full LEED documentation & consultation; mediated between USGBC & owner; performed complex calculations for renewable energy savings; created renewable energy strategy that allowed project to attain the final points needed for LEED Gold level
Interior Office Renovation | Chicago, IL
STATUS // Complete
DUTIES // Sustainability consultant; Assisted with LEED documentation; encouraged design team to incorporate biophilic design elements, resulting in more than 75% of site being vegetated areas & incorporation of historic building reuse, preservation
Interior Office Renovation | Chicago, IL
STATUS // Complete
DUTIES // Sustainability consultant; Full LEED documentation; developed project's ESC & IAQ plans

Rush University Medical Center, Atrium Renovation
Medical Facility Interior Renovation | Chicago, IL
STATUS // Complete
DUTIES // Sustainability consultant; Full LEED documentation
Public & Institutional
Park Center | Oak Park, IL
STATUS // Complete
DUTIES // LEED AP of Record; Full LEED documentation; performed water saving/rainwater collection calculations; performed & optimized shadow studies to ensure PV array's maximum output; supervised design team's renewable energy plan; prepared drawings for PV array

UIUC Freer Hall
Lecture Hall Renovation | Urbana, IL
STATUS // Under Construction
DUTIES // LEED AP of Record; Full LEED documentation & consultation; guided design team through construction documentation process; led monthly design team meetings; supervised sustainable design decisions

UIUC Natural History Building
Lecture Hall Renovation | Urbana, IL
STATUS // Complete
DUTIES // Sustainability consultant; Full LEED documentation; vetted materials for new building strategies implemented by university

NU Lincoln Street Hall
Residence Hall | Evanston, IL
STATUS // Under Construction
DUTIES // Sustainability consultant; Full LEED documentation; strategized with design team for roofing materials that would comply with university ordinances & LEED compliance
Public Boat House | Chicago, IL
STATUS // Complete
DUTIES // Sustainability consultant; Full LEED documentation
Public Boat House Renovation | Glen Ellyn, IL
STATUS // Complete
DUTIES // Sustainability consultant; Full LEED documentation
Performing Arts Center | Glencoe, IL
STATUS // Complete
DUTIES // Sustainability consultant; Assisted with LEED documentation; performed site studies and design phase documentation

DeKalb Public Library
Public Services Addition & Renovation | DeKalb, IL
STATUS // Complete
DUTIES // Sustainability consultant; Assisted in LEED documentation, site studies, drawing development

Goodman Logistics Center
Distribution Center | Carlisle, PA
STATUS // Complete
DUTIES // Sustainability consultant; Full LEED documentation; mediated between design team & owner when miscommunication led to deadline jeopardy

eVolo 2018 Competition Entry
Vertical Farming Tower | Seattle, WA | 2017
> Center for vertical urban farming & agriculture; self-sustaining & focus on passive strategies
> eVolo entry with the intention of providing a local solution to hunger, resource deprivation & climate change

Masters Thesis
Sustainable Skyscraper Proposal | Chicago, IL | 2015
> An illustration of the thesis concept integrated sustainability, the balance of social and environmental sustainability
> Year-long project yielded a sustainable tower proposal after extensive research & site studies

Dynamic Model of Calatrava's 2004 Olympic Stadium
Structural Model for Display
Dynamic Structural Model | Athens, Greece | 2014
> Dynamic and operable model replica for the 2004 Olympic Stadium in Athens, Greece by Santiago Calatrava
> Displayed for the 2014 Spring Show and Open House at the IIT College of Architecture

Earle Elementary School Renovation
Comprehensive Studio Project
Sustainable STEM School | Chicago, IL | 2014
> Full renovation of the Charles W. Earle Elementary School of West Englewood in the south side of Chicago, IL
> Incorporated hands-on sustainable strategies as learning opportunities; included construction drawings & details

Miller Beach Arts Center
Studio Project
Cultural Arts Center & Neighborhood Revitalization | Gary, IN | 2013
> Arts & cultural center for community use in Miller Beach as part of a neighborhood-wide master plan
> "Display artists, instead of the art" concept resulted in community-driven workshops

Transit Hub
Conceptual Studio Project
Union Station Renovation | Chicago, IL | 2013
> Full renovation of riverside terminal building for Union Station in Chicago
> Unified circulation paths, programmatic needs and aesthetics previously unavailable

Passive House
IMI/OSU Masonry Competition Entry
Sustainable Residential Proposal | Columbus, OH | 2013
> Finalist for the IMI/OSU Masonry Competition
> Design for a sustainable residence, incorporating local materials & passive lighting/ventilation strategies

Chadwick Environmental Center
Passive Strategies Study
Sustainable Visitor Center | Columbus, OH | 2012
> Visitor center for the Chadwick Arboretum after wind studies & environmental audits
> Incorporated passive shading, cross ventilation, daylighting, and local building materials

Sustainable Facade
Design Study
Facade Renovation of Knowlton Hall | Columbus, OH | 2012
> A study of the inefficiencies of the current south-facing facade on the Knowlton School of Architecture building
> Proposed design incorporated passive shading strategies

Futuristic Tech Expo
Conceptual Studio Project
Sustainable Skyscraper Proposal | Columbus, OH | 2012
> Purely formal & abstract study of an exposition-scale building to display experimental fusion reactors

Professional Accreditation
USGBC/GBCI | April 2016
> LEED Accredited Professional with Building Design + Construction specialty

Professional Accreditation
USGBC/GBCI | August 2017
> LEED Accredited Professional with Interior Design + Construction specialty

Fitwel Ambassador
Professional Accreditation
Center for Active Design/U.S. CDC/U.S. GSA | April 2018
> Ambassador in the Fitwel sustainable rating system
> Ambassador for the first Fitwel Certified building in Chicago

Guest Lecturer
Illinois Institute of Technology | February 2017
> Guest lectured on sustainability for a graduate seminar in the IIT Armour College of Engineering

USGBC Emerald Award Nominee
Award Nomination
Illinois Green Alliance | February 2017
> 2017 nominee in the Individuals category for work in Chicago's sustainable building industry

Model on Display
Illinois Institute of Technology | March 2014 - June 2014
> 1/64-scale dynamic model of Santiago Calatrava's Olympic Stadium in Athens displayed in IIT Spring Show

IMI/OSU Masonry Competition Winner
International Masonry Institute/The Ohio State University | April 2013
> Finalist in the IMI/OSU design competition for a proposed masonry home employing passive sustainable strategies

Keynote Speaker
The Ford Family Foundation/University of Oregon | February 2010
> Keynote speaker at the annual banquet for 200 Ford Scholars to discuss leading our communities into a sustainable era

Ford Family Scholar, Graduate
The Ford Family Foundation | 2010 - 2013
> Graduate scholarship given to new & returning scholars for academic excellence & community leadership

Ford Family Scholar, Undergraduate
The Ford Family Foundation | 2006 - 2010
> Scholarship awarded to only 100 Oregon residents each year for academics, leadership & community involvement

University Day Volunteer
University of Oregon | May 2010
> Assisted with campus-wide beautification projects, tree planting & PV panel maintenance on Lillis Hall

PADI Rescue Diver
Professional Association of Diving Instructors | December 2009
> Certified as a rescue scuba diver with advanced search & resuce, surface CPR and inclement weather training